Alouvinia Frias, or “Lou” as she is affectionately known, is one of NurseCore’s Amazing Leaders. She was recently promoted from Senior Staffing Manager to Branch manager over our Tucson and Phoenix locations, a well-deserved promotion to say the least. While many of us know and adore Lou, not everyone knows how she started here. Her journey up the NurseCore ladder is both a testament to her love of NurseCore and our love for Lou.
Lou had been employed with another agency for 18 years when she decided to look for a different work home. Lou was searching for new employment when she stumbled upon NurseCore in 2015 and became a Client Services Specialist (CSS). She shared that her original intention for employment was to find a job where “I could just go in, work my shift and then leave and not think about anything.”. But Lou was pleasantly surprised by what she found instead.
“I remember thinking this is what a real agency is.” She goes on to explain, “everybody stood up to greet me and at first, I thought “Oh my god, what is going on” but then I realized they were so happy to see me and I just took that to heart”
Throughout her time here, Lou came to find that the values in life she has held so dear were values shared by NurseCore.
”When anyone comes into the office or anyone calls me I am so happy they took the time to either call me or come to see me… because they could be doing a million other things…. a lot of the NurseCore values are my values so it was just a perfect fit”
Lou was promoted from CSS to staffing manager a few years into her initial position. A year later she was promoted again to Senior Staffing manager. Much of her role has involved interviewing and speaking with potential NurseCore applicants. Lou likes to share with them the wholesome values she feels her company holds and the family, by-your-side nature of our business.
“We are all treated as human beings, not just an employee, we’re family… I tell my applicants “once you are a part of NurseCore you are my family” If you have a problem, I have a problem and that’s the same way throughout NurseCore”
Another enticing quality of our company to Lou has always been our majority female leadership and the extremely woman-friendly work environment NurseCore strives to foster. When asked to speak in detail about how that female leadership impacted the way she sees her work she said “It’s just invigorating to see how they embrace all of this….. every day I come to work, and I always tell myself I am the luckiest person to be going to work for NurseCore”
But truly, we are the luckiest company to have Lou, she is a valued member of our leadership team and an endless joy to get to work with. To show her our appreciation we’ve gathered some quotes from different people who have worked with Lou over the years and have a testament to the phenomenal professional, and compassionate human being that she is:
Although Lou was not my official trainer when I went to Tucson, she went above and beyond to teach me how to do the things that would matter in my day-to-day life in the office. She was always so kind, not just to me, but to everyone around her. Later, I had the opportunity to mentor Lou and we developed a deep friendship. She is my go-to when I just need to chat or catch her up on the current happenings in my world. It has been pure joy to watch Lou find her voice and become the force that she is today. While Lou is a bold and strong businesswoman, she also has the kindest, most genuine heart of anyone I know. She is always there with a word that will completely carry you through the day. Lou is a true treasure and I feel so blessed to call her my friend.
–Toni Connelly (Area Manager)
Lou was one of the 1st NC employees I met when I started 2yrs ago. She was very welcoming and such a positive person in the office. She and I instantly clicked. I have enjoyed watching Lou grow into who she is today. She has tackled obstacles head-on with grace, determination, and integrity and has proven herself every step of the way. She isn’t afraid to take on an unfamiliar task and has a thirst for knowledge so she can enhance her skills and support her team. Her promotion to Branch Manager makes me so happy because it is going to such a deserving person. Congratulations Lou, you deserve it!!!
-Shanda Jones (Area Vice President)
I am truly grateful to have Lou in my life and part of the NurseCore family. From my first day, she has embraced me and other NurseCore employees. She is an amazing person with a beautiful soul who nurtures everyone she comes in contact with. Her light and enthusiasm for all things NurseCore is infectious. I am truly blessed to have her as an employee and a friend.
-Chelsea Steele (Area Vice President)
From the first time that I met Lou, I knew without a doubt that this was where I belonged. She bleeds NurseCore and is the most genuine person I have ever encountered. She has not only been the best manager I have ever worked for, but she has also become someone that I hold so very close to my heart. I will be forever grateful for all that she has taught me, all the times I have confided in her, and all the love I truly feel from her. She is a huge blessing to the Arizona branches. Congrats Lou!!
-Dani Liszkiewicz (Staffing Manager)
When employees are brought to the table for promotion, not all decisions are as easy as the decision to promote Lou Frias. We as a company cherish nothing more than our NurseCore values of honesty, ethics, quality, and compassion. I have known Lou for seven years and have watched her grow in each role. Lou leads with heart, loves what she does, and positively impacts everyone she encounters. I could not be more proud of her accomplishments.
-Brian Tankersley (VP of Staffing)
It was a great day for NurseCore in July 2015, when Lou Frias joined our Tucson team! Since then, she has contributed to our success in so many ways that it’s hard to even list them! She is driven to improve, grow and learn from everyone around her, and I have so enjoyed watching and being a part of her professional growth. She is incredibly loyal, and just doesn’t know how to say “no” when asked to help anywhere anytime! Thank you for being part of our NurseCore family!
-Deborah Lollar (CEO)
Congratulations on your promotion Lou! I first started with NurseCore a couple of years ago. You interviewed and hired me. In every interaction we have had, you have been kind, engaging, and efficient. You are the true definition of positivity and professionalism. Keep up the good work
-Jacqueline Kincaid (Field Staff Nurse)
I absolutely love Lou. She hired me 6 years ago. Lou is good & kind & works tirelessly. She has always filled my availability as well as booked me with the client or facility that best suits me. She is wonderful to everyone, not just me. I am truly grateful for her & to her. It is because of Lou I tell others they should work for NurseCore, just ask for Lou. It is also because of Lou I stay with NurseCore.
– Lisa Norton (Field Staff Nurse)

Lou, we are so fortunate to have you with us and incredibly proud of the professional development we have watched you undertake over the years. NurseCore adores you. Congratulations on your new promotion! We look forward to seeing what an amazing future you have in your new position!
With love – Sincerely,
Your NurseCore Family ❤
Ms. Lou: I am soooo proud of your accomplishments with NurseCore! Your dedication and loyalty are an inspiration to all of us who are blessed to have you as a friend and a co-worker. You embody the spirit of team work – you have always been there to support your co-workers and fill them with your unending spirit of positivity. Your passion sets a wonderful example for those whose hearts you touch on a daily basis.