NurseCore Staffing App

NurseCore’s new staffing app is a specialized platform crafted solely for healthcare professionals to help manage busy careers.

By seamlessly combining staffing opportunities with the sophistication of modern technology, you can easliy find and claim a shift or post positions to be filled.

  • View opportunities in your area
  • Verify your credentials with a few simple steps
  • Track time and get paid

Download the App today

I’d like to express my appreciation and satisfaction with the service provided by NurseCore’s staffing department with regards to supporting our staffing needs. In the short that I have worked with NurseCore, They have assisted with filling multiple staffing needs, particularly at our Behavior Health Center. In addition to they’re ability to communicate effectively and proactively reach out for staffing needs, we can count on them to ensure compliance files are sent in a timely fashion. We appreciate the hard work that NurseCore does to ensure our hospitals are safe.

Staffing Client  
Staffing Client

NurseCore has been a great help in getting us staff to help us fill our needs. They has been very respectful and communicative with any cancelations or requests to pick up shifts. They are easy to get ahold of and respond back in a timely manner. It has been a great pleasure getting to work with NurseCore and I look forward to continuing to work with them to help fill our staffing needs.

Staffing Client  
Staffing Client

My experience with Nursecore has been wonderful. They are real quick to start looking for staff for us even if its short notice. If we have any concerns regarding staff they addresses it immediately.

I am pleased with the continued business with NurseCore.

Staffing Client  
Staffing Client

We opened our doors to Covid-19 patients and provided the best care with NurseCore staff along side with us. I want to say, that the NurseCore staff was very professional and was always State ready. Therefore, we will definitely contact them if we are in any need of great staff moving to the future. Thank you!

Staffing Client  
Staffing Client

NurseCore has worked with us for the past four months. They have some of the hardest working staffing managers I have had the pleasure of working with so far. They are amazing with communication with our company. Whenever a nurse is running late or calling off, NurseCore calls to inform us what their arrival time will be and if we are ok with the tardiness or the new staff coverage. I am pleased with the continued business with NurseCore.

Staffing Client 
Staffing Client